Thursday, 19 November 2009


The work below for my CD project was originally done for the deadline but I had placed it all on a separate blog without realising I had to have my work all on one. Here is the link for my original blog for proof of work and deadlines etc...

This helped me by giving me ideas for my own cd cover. i did this on powerpoint and then uploaded onto slideshare.

My original image i used for the front of my CD cover.
On photoshop i then edited both the front and back images for my CD cover. I desaturated the images to start.

This is my completed front CD cover. With my original image i edited it by changng the colour, contrast and by making it brighter which gave that look of the darker areas with my face being paler. I then created my writing using defont; a web page on the internet. I pasted my chosen names onto my cover and free transformed the way i liked them, moving them around until i decided a place i liked. I decided my artist name through the fact i couldnt think of one so the unknown came to me and because my image was of me in a cage i liked the idea of that im captured which is what i decided to call my CD that. I then got the parental advisory image from the internet and pasted that onto my image. I chose this image for my front cover because i wanted the audience to take this album seriously and i wanted it to be quite dark and punky so i didnt chose a playful,colourful image.

This is my original image that i had taken so i could use for the back of my CD cover.

This is the back of my CD cover.I also edited this image through changing the contrast etc. I made my song titles up and with each one i edited them on defont like my title on the front. I copy and pasted my record label,barcode and copyright images. I wanted my CD covers to come across as the song artist being quite serious and through the images and song titles the genre of the music to be punk rock.

Friday, 6 November 2009

This is my sketch i quickly created. It was my first ever ideas into what i would like my college magzine to look like. It isn't detailed but it just simply outlines what's going where and how its going to look etc. This is a definate of how how my final will look as im sure i will make changes along the way.

I made this slideshow in order to show the research i had done of other existing college magazines.

This slideshow is of all different magazines i found that i liked just so i could analise all kinds of magazines before i made my own.

This isnt a slideshow but simply a small collage of of contents pages just so i could get an idea of other made contents pages, all of the contents pages inspired me as they were all pretty simple and that was idea i took into making my own contentc page.

This was a powerpoint i made to show small steps i took when making both my front cover and my contents page explaining what i did to get my image and what i did to change my text etc.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

My finished contents page for my college magazine. I made my image so that it looked as if it was fading away to give the look of the "never ending corridor" which then linked in with the main feature on the contents page which was 'can college be daunting for you?'. I kept with the same theme as the front cover e.g. the colours and font for the writing. I am really happy with my final contents page.

My front page for my college magazine. Overall I am really happy with my final version as i made the magazine how i would want to see a college magazine, one i would pick up and read. On the front i chose stories and articles in which students would want to read about e.g. if a student has a problem with travelling to college then they can read about it and get help and i think things like that would appeal to all college atudents. My chosen image reflected the main coverline which was are you being stereo-typed!? i chose this because it is a typical topic within a school or college enviroment. I wanted my front cover simple yet i wanted it to stand out aswell as the contents page. I think the colours i used on this front cover worked well and they all complimented each other. My skyline i wanted so it made people pic up the magazine so in the sentence for my skyline i made the magazine sounds really good. I chose to write R U instead of are you because it reminded me of the way students use slang when there texting as its quicker so i chose to put it on my magazine seen as this was a magzine for students. I decided to have my masthead decorated because i wanted it to be regonaisable as it was bascially advertising the magazine. On my front cover i didnt really keep to the left third as i thought my image looked alot better on the right and i didnt think a college magazine would nescerserilly be on a shelf stacked up i thoughted it would be actually in a college.